Sunday, December 21, 2008

Crafty Christmas Presents and a New Blog

I'm giving some presents "made by me" this Christmas and thought of sharing them here. They are for two children so I think I'm safe and they wont visit the blog. It's a wooden box decorated with decoupage and a photo frame painted and with a chicken ornament. It's for a little girl named Maria Inês.

I've have also been doing some sewing with my Mom, some for Christmas presents and some for us. She does a lot more than me though and since she is newly arrived to the internet world and has been exploring crafty blogs I thought of posting the photos of her work online and surprise her with a blog. It's a portuguese blog because it is for her and you can find it here. There will be more photos added as soon as everyone gets their Christmas presents. ;-)


  1. Those are beautiful. I considered making some gifts this year, but I'm kind of craft-challenged, so I decided against it (to which, I'm sure, everyone is eternally grateful).

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Olha a célebre galinha! LMAO!

  3. Thank you all!!! :-)

    And a very merry Christmas to you too!

    E D. Ana nada de gozar com a galinha! ;-P

  4. Eu cada vez que vejo a galinha, lembro-me da tua cara a mostrá-la na webcam. LMAO! :-P

  5. E que tinha a minha cara, vamos lá a saber??? LOL


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