Used to cold silence, Faith NightStar is suddenly being tormented by dark visions of blood and murder. A bad sign for anyone, but worse for Faith, an F-Psy with the highly sought after ability to predict the future. Then the visions show her something even more dangerous—aching need...exquisite pleasure. But so powerful is her sight, so fragile the state of her mind, that the very emotions she yearns to embrace could be the end of her.
Changeling Vaughn D'Angelo can take the form of either man or jaguar, but it is his animal side that is overwhelmingly drawn to Faith. The jaguar's instinct is to claim this woman it finds so utterly fascinating, and the man has no argument. But while Vaughn craves sensation and hungers to pleasure Faith in every way, desire is a danger that could snap the last threads of her sanity. And there are Psy who need Faith's sight for their own purposes. They must keep her silenced—and keep her from Vaughn.
The second book in the Psy Changeling series tells the story of Vaughn, Lucas’s jaguar friend and Faith Nightstar, a Psy woman whose talent to predict economic trends makes her a valuable asset in the Psy World.
Two things disappointed me in this story and I’m going to address them right away so I can get to the good parts later. Since we have 3 races/species/whatever in the series I was hoping Singh would go for a couple other than Psy and jaguar/leopard (I want wolves!) and then I thought this story lacked the tension of the first book when Lucas and Sasha were getting to know each other.
Having said that, I rather liked Vaughn and Faith’s story. What brings them together is that Faith wants to meet with Sasha to try to understand what’s going on with her abilities. She started having visions of the future and when she “sees” her sister being murdered, she feels it is too much and she wants to understand what she is. Since she can’t bring this to the attention of other Psy’s without risking being considered weak and eventually insane she decides to go to Sasha.
Vaughn finds her entering Dark River territory and although at first they are all very protective of Sasha eventually the two women talk under the surveillance of both Lucas and Vaughn. Vaughn is attracted to Faith from the beginning and realises pretty soon that she is his mate; however Faith has been deprived of human touch since she was a child and can’t deal with the strong emotions that touching Vaughn makes her feel. Faith doesn’t have as big as a shock as Sasha did when realising the Psy world is not as she thought but it is a painful process to lower her shields and allow Vaughn inside. In fact she seems to accept better the world without emotion she lives in and does question whether she should leave it or not whereas for Sasha staying was never an option after she found out what she was. I quite enjoyed the fact that Vaughn seemed to be totally besotted at times and unsure of Faith’s feelings and resistance. But that he kept pushing her not only to bring her to him but to make her whole. Although I think Singh did a wonderful job here of making the world she started building in STS even more solid I think the main thing is still the characters and their feelings.
We have more information about the Psy world, the different types of Psy’s and of how the Silence affected their abilities and eventually their lives.. We know more about the Council and what their plans are. Singh continues here the work of world building that she started in STS. We also start to see that not all Psy’s who want to remain Psy are equal and I was quite curious about Faith’s father. I think that the Psy world may be about to suffer some changes.
I can’t wait to go back and read more about the Psy Changeling world!
Grade: 4.5/5
Ps. I’m going to start grading with numbers instead of letters now so as to maintain coherent grades in all the blogs I post in.
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