If he wins this hand...
Shunning the glittering elite of high society Kieran, Baron Rothewell, prefers the dangerous pursuits of London's demimonde. Hardened by a tormented past, he cares little for anyone or anything. So how can he resist the wager proposed by the dissolute Comte de Valigny? A hand of cards for the possession of the comte's exquisite daughter.
Will he win her heart?
Abandoned by her highborn father -- until he decides to use her -- Mademoiselle Camille Marchand puts no trust in an aristocrat's honor, especially that of the notorious baron. She too is gambling -- for her life -- and Rothwell is just one more card to be used. But whatever dark desires run through his veins call to her own, and the heart plays its own game -- winner take all!
I was a bit worried when I started this Never Romance a Rake because after reading the blurb about a woman lost at cards it seemed it might be full of clichés. I’m very happy to report now that I finished that Carlyle does manage to write a believable story with very angsty characters and that not only I enjoyed it very much but I also think it’s the best story I read in this series so far.
Kieran, Lord Rothewell, has been a secondary character in the previous stories. He usually appears in a dark mood and not seldom under the influence of alcohol.
When the story starts he is enjoying a game of cards with some very shady characters. One of which decides to gamble the right to marry his daughter and receive her dowry. While not one to be bothered but a bit of debauchery Kieran doesn’t feel right accepting the situation, especially as he finds the young woman beautiful and strangely not fighting the situation she is in. He manages to win but when he wants to release her he finds out that she does want to marry at all costs. Unable to leaver to the lechers who have played he takes her home to her aunt.
Camille is a tortured young woman, having grown up in France the bastard daughter of an English noblewoman whose husband divorced her, and the man who has just gambled her away she is desperate to wed so she can receive the inheritance her grandfather left her. Her father is a sort of black sheep in society and being her a bastard there is some problems with her readily acceptance as Kieran’s bride, not to mention the problems with his former mistress.
Camille is determined to have her heart involved in her marriage. She knows man and how they work so this will be a marriage of convenience only. Kieran believes he is dying; he has been having health problems for a while, and decides to help her because under all his bad behavior he has a good heart.
The good thing about this book is exactly the way Carlyle develops the relationship between them. How they slowly get to know each other better and start caring about one another.
There are issues in both their pasts that have to be addressed and that explain both Kieran’s behavior and Camille’s situation. I really enjoyed learning more about them and follow them from barely acquainted to respect and love. A very satisfying read!
Grade: 4/5
This was also my favorite from this series, Ana. I don't know what's happening with Carlyle, but most of her latest books are terribly boring compared to her older ones. Tempted All Night was average for me and now I'm truly hoping she'll surprised me with Zoe's story.:)
ReplyDeleteOh dear... it seems our favourite authors aren't working for us anymore. And the worst part is that I don't see any new author taking their place. Do you?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I don't... I read less and less historical romance because everything seems to be alike. The authors who used to always deliver something different seem completely uninspired lately. I truly hope this changes very quickly! Meanwhile, we’ll have to dig up some oldies. :)
ReplyDeleteAh and there are many I would like to reread and see if they are as good as I remember. :-)
ReplyDeleteEste livro deve chegar amanhã e pelo que li aqui no teu blog quer-me parecer que acertei!!!
Como acabei com a Madeline Hunter decidi procurar autoras do género e parecer-me que Liz Carlyle vai ser uma delas... a ver vamos!!!
E sabes que a Liz Carlyle tem um livro com uma heroina meio portuguesa?
ReplyDeleteÉ este http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/liz-carlyle/devil-you-know.htm
Ok!!! Este livro tem um pequeno problema!!! Fez-me ficar fã, logo de caras, da escritora!!
ReplyDeleteAdorei tudo... a história... o enredo... a personagem da Camille (eu costumo ser muito crítica com as personagens femininas deste género de livros) e, ABSOLUTAMENTE, o Kieran, a sua complexidade, em todos os aspectos!!
Agora, ando a pensar em que livro mando vir a seguir!! Que me recomendas?!
Em relação à Mary Balogh, acabei por me decidir pelo "A summer to remember" ... é que eu fico um bocado desorientada quando gosto de uma autora... sério, depois nunca sei que livro escolher e é um caos... :P mas como disseste que este era um dos teus preferidos, resolvi arriscar... além disso tenho uma amiga que vai para Londres nos próximos dias e que vou cravar para me trazer uns livros desta autora que sempre são mais baratos lá!! :)Bem, tá visto, os meus comentários vão passar a ser uma constante no teu blog... tens tantas referências e eu ando a gostar tanto deste género literário que nem sei... :)Beijito
LOL no caso da mary Balogh não é dificil ficarmos desorientadas, é que ela já escreveu alguns 70 livros... A bem da verdade muitos dos meus favoritos são dos livros mais antigos dela e já não é facil encontrá-los mas alguns vão ser reeditados nos próximos meses. Penso que és capaz de gostar também da nova série dela, a dos Huxtables.
ReplyDeleteQuanto à Liz Carlyle a lista não é tão extensa mas são igualmente bons. Acho que o teu maior problema vai ser que estás a começar com as melhores autoras do género... dentro em breve vais achas que alguns dos outros autores já não te satisfazem como estas. :-)