Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mr and Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy - Sharon Lathan

Beginning on their wedding day, Darcy and Elizabeth are two people who are deeply in love with one another and are excited to begin their marriage.

Their courtship was tempestuous; misunderstandings and misgivings nearly tore them apart. But now that they’ve seen each other without prejudice, their trust, attraction, and delight in each other grows with every passing day. Both are inexperienced and innocent, sharing moments of shyness and boldness as they discover the kinds of intimacies that a newlywed couple shares.

As their love story unfolds, they reveal their innermost secrets and feelings, embracing each other in a marriage filled with romance, passion, humor, and drama that will keep you spellbound.
I think that everyone that loves Jane Austen's characters often wonders what happened to them after the ending of Pride and Prejudice. Sometimes, when I am afflicted with such thoughts, I can't resist picking up one of the sequels written by contemporary authors about such beloved characters. This time it was this Mr and Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy.

The author mentions how she was inspired to write this after seeing, and loving, the movie version of P&P. Being of the BBC TV series I was immediately worried... but I did enjoy some things in the movie version so I continued.

In the end my main problem with it was not that it was inspired by the movie but that the characters seemed so much different from how Jane Austen wrote them. Not only that but that there is the lack of a strong plot and Lizzy and Darcy spend most of their time in bed. There's no conflict to be solved, no growth in their relationship, the pacing is very slow... towards the end the author introduces a villain but by then it was too late, I think, to save the story.

Readers loving light romance novels with a high count of sex scenes may enjoy this one but, as an Austen sequel, it is not one I would recommend.


  1. Olá Aneca.
    Espero que esteja tudo bem.
    Sou a Sónia, uma vez pedi-te um livro de Lisa Kleypas no bookmooch....espero que não te importes que tenha vindo aqui. Acho o teu espaço muito apelativo.
    Também tenho um blog em inglês, recente, espero que não te importes, decidi "seguir-te".

    Sobre este livro gostei da tua opinião, já leste o da Colleen McCullough sobre este mundo? The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet? Todas as personagens foram como que distorcidas na visão da Colleen, não gostei nada de ler.

    Mais uma vez espero que não te importes que tenha aparecido, nãos ei se preferias que falasse em inglês també
    Um abraço!

  2. Olá Sónia,
    fico muito contente por ter a tua visita. A verdade é que o blog tem estado um pouco parado nestes ultimos tempos... fui mãe este ano e o tempo para leituras é pouco...

    Ainda não li esse livro da Colleen McCullough mas já tinha ouvido falar. As criticas que li também não foram as melhores por isso ainda não tinha tido a vontade de o procurar. A tua opinião confirma e acho que vou manter-me afastada dele.

    Podes falar em português à vontade sempre que me visitares... e agora vou cuscar o teu blog. ;-)

  3. Olá!
    Parece-me que os teus gostos são muito ecléticos, alguns dos titulos nas tuas reviews mais recentes eu nem tinha ouvido falar.
    Fico ansiosa por ver o que vais ler depois.
    Espero que os teus bebés estejam bem :)


I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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