First of all I would like to say that Madeline Hunter is one of my favourite authors. I LOVED her medievals and have been faithfully following her ever since even if she left the medieval period behind.
Handsome, suave, and carnal as the devil, Lord Elliot Rothwell awaits readers in Lessons of Desire, bestselling author Madeline Hunter's latest book in the Rothwell series and her most provocative novel to date. A man used to getting what he wants, Elliot is every woman's most secret fantasy in the living flesh.
He first appears beneath her prison window as her saviour—a sinfully attractive man whose charm and connections have ensured her release from an unjust arrest. But author and publisher Phaedra Blair quickly learns that the price of her “freedom” is to be virtually bound to her irresistible rescuer. For Elliot Rothman didn't come solely on a mission of goodwill. He came to extract a promise that Phaedra won't publish a slanderous manuscript that could destroy his family's name, and he's not above bribery, threats, or bedding her to get his way. And with each erotic encounter raising the stakes between them, Elliot discovers he's ever more reluctant to lose this sensual game…or the one woman who's every bit his match.
The problem is I feel the magic is gone. Hunter still writes a very competent story with nice and interesting characters, with an intriguing plot, sometimes, like here, with a different setting, everything that should make it worth a stay on my keeper shelf. But somehow I know I'll forget about Phaedra and Elliott, she managed to write well yes but nothing really stands out for me. I'll admit that this is the sort of story, with a very strong heroine, that doesn't always work for me and that might be one of the problems. I liked Elliott though and once again I liked the interaction between the brothers. But I wanted more; I'm greedy I want her to write more medievals! In the mean time I'll get myself ready to read book number 3... I may complain but I can't resist getting them and I especially want the big brother's story!
Grade: B
I have this one in my TBR. I just hope I enjoy it more than you!
ReplyDeleteDesta série da Madeline Hunter este é o único livro que ainda não tenho... já mandei vir o "The Sins of Lord Easterbrook" mas este ainda não... vou esperar para ler o que encomendei e depois mando vir este!!!
ReplyDeleteComo tu, também eu adoro os livros desta senhora, pela envolvência, e pelas histórias exemplares!!! :)
A mim falta-me o The Sins of Lord Easterbrook mas espero lê-lo em breve. Tens a criticas no teu blog?
ReplyDeleteLi todos os livros editados desta autora e o meu preferido é mesmo este!! :)
ReplyDeleteNão escrevi demasiado sobre eles no meu blog, apenas, falei por alto deles... de qualquer maneira, das séries editadas pela Madeline Hunter, a série dos Rothwell da qual este faz parte é, pra mim, a melhor, embora as outras sejam muito boas!!
Se ainda não tiveres o "The Sins of Lord Easterbrook" ou outro qualquer fela que queiras ler, envia-me mail que eu terei o maior prazer em emprestar... alguma vantagem terá o facto de agora ter os livros todos!! :)
Tenho que ler o teu blog com atenção porque acho que já consegui mais algumas referências de livros que gostarei de ler!! ;)
Olá Lucia, ainda bem que tens gostado da Madeline Hunter. Eu tenho uma predilecção especial pelos medievais dela mas até agora tenho lido todos. Não li o Sins of Lord Easterbrook mas já o tenho, obrigada!