Wednesday, December 30, 2009

18h & 19th Century Women Writers' Reading Challenge

There's something to be said about older authors! It is definitely easier to find copies of their books, if not on paper at least online thanks to Project Gutenberg. That's how I read some of the books for this challenge.

 I must admit that it wasn't an easy challenge to complete, I read Jane Eyre fairly early but then I got into other challenges and this one stayed a bit behind. I also have to say the rereading Emma was a bit of a chore, I just don't find her as compelling as P&P or Persuasion and that's why I decided to leave my rereading of Mansfield Park for another time. I love Austen but these are my two least favourite of her books.

I had initially planned to read 6 books but,  since I had a few problems with it and you only need 4 to consider the challenged completed I am going to leave it at 5.

Hopefully next year I'll do better...


  1. I usually use Project Gutenberg to write the tests for my students. If they have to analyze a passage from a classic novel, I don't have to type it: I just copy and paste from that site. Very useful! Is this challenge repeated next year? I'd like to take part. My favourite writers are 18 and 19 women writers!Have a nice day, Ana.

  2. Maria Grazia I had never thought about that but it does seem brilliant for whenever I want to quote a book. ;-)

    Yes there will be a new one, see here

    I can't wait to see your choices!

    Have a good day and if we don't talk more have a Happy New Year!

  3. You did great Ana! :) I was lucky enough to find all my selected books through the library but for the 2010 version of the challenge I will have to use Project Gutenberg.


I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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