Friday, May 11, 2012

Popular Posts and Book Lists

A few days ago I spent some time working on Blogger. I need to get the hang of this new look, because it is a bit different, so I can stop spending a couple of hours every time I want to edit a post. It's a crazy feeling knowing that there is a way to do something and not finding the right button.

Since I was at it I decided to check out the widgets and I ended up adding a few to my side bar. One of them was the popular posts widget. I was quite surprised to find out that my most popular post is a book list! In fact most of the posts tagged as book lists were quite popular. This is quite funny because I do love going through book lists, see what I've read, what I haven't and what catches my eye, and it seems my readers do too. Either that or it is because there are so many authors mentioned in that list.

The other popular posts ended up being a surprise as well. I would expect more book reviews and especially book reviews of better known authors. I guess I shouldn't assume what is and what is not popular. I decided to leave the widget on my sidebar so I can check regularly. I'm really curious to see if those posts will change...


  1. My most popular post by a long way is a Best Historical Fiction list that I put up maybe five years ago. It still gets more hits every week than any other post I have up.

  2. I guess book lists rule then! Now you made me curious and I want to check that list too. :-)


I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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