Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pin It and Do It - Intro post

For the first time ever I've decided to enter a Pinterest challenge. As I've mentioned previously I'm looking for holiday projects to do with/for the boys. I don't think a traditional Christmas tree would stay up for long so I'm looking for alternative trees and decorations. I was planning to save the ideas I come across on the WWW on Pinterest so this just seems like the prefect challenge!

It is organised by Trish @ Love Laughter and a Touch Insanity and here are the rules:

The Details:
1. To participate you will choose your level and then make (or do) that amount of pins during Nov 15-Dec 31, 2012. Challenge ends December 31st. Links must be submitted by January 4th.
2. Report back on your Pin It and Do It success. Ideally this will come in the form of a blog or tumblr post. Or you can post about it on Facebook if you don’t have a blog or tumblr. Or create a board on Pinterest for this challenge. You can create multiple updates, a few updates, or one update. Whatever is best for you.
3. Anyone is welcome to join at any time. If you need an invite to Pinterest, let me know your email address and I’ll send an invite.

The Levels:
Timid Pinner: 1-3 Pins
Pinterested: 4-7 Pins
Pin Obsessed: 8+ Pins


Since this is my first attempt I'll go with the Timid Pinner level (1-3 Pins). You can find the link to join in here


I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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