Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Living the Simple Life - Elaine St James

If your life seems hectic, stressed, and complicated, then it's time to start simplifying. In Living the Simple Life, best-selling author and simplicity expert Elaine St. James shows you how to eliminate clutter so you can free up time for the things that really matter. Read and discover:
Ten ways to gain an hour a week Five ways to gain a day a week How to get rid of all that "stuff" How to simplify shopping, cleaning, laundry, and other household chores How to say "No!" to life's time-wasters and crazy-makers 

Having two small children at home and not that much space - not to mention a growing need to declutter both my home and my mind - have led me to look for books that could be halpful in that process. I had seen this one recommended on a minimalist blog I visit so I decided to try it.

I wasn't as happy with it as I thought I would be. Some suggestions were just common sense and others showed concerns that are totally outside my reality but I guess for a fist read on the subject it wasn't that bad and that also why I decided to start the new year with this review - I am definitely  trying for a more organised, green and simple lifestyle and hopefully 2014 will see the reflection of my attempts in that direction.

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