Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!

Yep, it's my birthday today! I took the day off work so I can just be lazy and do just the things I like to do. I already got two presents, a book and the shoes I told L. I liked last weekend. Wasn't he nice in presenting me with them?

I think I'll just stay home in the morning and organise the office, read a bit... things like that. In the afternoon I'm going to Lisbon with Mom, we plan on some shopping and on a down side I have to go and see a doctor because I've been having some pain in one foot. Not a nice thing to do on your birthday but it was the only day available.

In the evening it's dinner with the family and birthday cake for dessert! I loooove birthday cake :-)


  1. Happy birthday. Hope you have a fantastic day, some sun and a good book. :)

  2. beijoquinhas!!!
    muitos parabéns.

    teresa, maria&francisco (a dois dias de fazer um aninho!!!)

  3. oh, muitos parabéns, um bom dia, e as melhoras para esse pé....

  4. Obrigada Teresa, Maria & Francisco! Lá estarei para lhes dar os parabens, o tempo passa a correr!

  5. Obrigada Teresa! O dia foi bom!! O pé vai hoje tirar radiografias :-)

  6. Happy belated birthday Ana!


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