Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Another Holiday!

Today is International Labour Day so we get the day off!

I'm planning going out for breakfast, some shopping and then a visit to the nearest Fnac as I want to check some travel guides and find something for a mother's day gift that is approaching fast. So nothing really labour related...

Later on I plan to start another of Joanne Fluke's books that arrived in the mail yesterday. I'm really enjoying these cozy mysteries!


  1. I just ordered and received a couple more of her books. I also just realised that I have the fourth Kate Collins book here that I havent read yet as well!

  2. I'm going to start the Lemon Meringue Pie Murder. I have been trying to find Kate Collins books through Bookmooch but no luck so far...

  3. Would you guys stop talking about books? ;-) I'm now starting Catering to Nobody by Diane Mott Davidson, let's see how it goes.
    I never heard about Kate Collins and after some checking her books are definitely going in my wish list. I think I need a vacation to catch up on my reading! ;-)

  4. Eh eh eh we just like to see everyone else's TBR pile grow like ours do :-) Btw Green Darkness is on it's way!

  5. And it's here! Thanks for the loan! :-)


I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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