1 - Lions and Lace - Meagan McKinney
Set in New York in the late 19th century this is the story of an rich irish immigrant who is trying to be accepted by the New York high society and the socialite Miss he traps into marrying him to make that possible. I really enjoyed the descriptions of New York at the time and the love / hate relationship Trevor and Alana develop.

2 - The Conquered Heart - Denee Cody
I had already read two other books by Cody when I found this one. Unlike the others this one deals with historical people and the two main characters are people who actually existed. I can never resist reading books that are a mix of historical fiction and historical romance and this one is exactly that. The love story of Richard de Clare and Eve MacMurrough.

3 - The Maiden and the Unicorn - Isolde Martyn
I found this one while searching for info on the Wars of The Roses after reading SKP's The Sunne in Splendour. More of an historical fiction book it has strong romantic elements in the love story of Margery and Richard.
Oh, I'm supposed to tag someone else. I think I've seen this meme in so many blogs now that I don't know who to tag. If you haven't done it yet consider yourself tagged!
I LOVED Lions and Lace! One of the very few books I've kept from my early romance-reading days. And the other two sound great, thanks for doing this!