Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's On Your Nightstand?

It's time to check what's on my nightstand once more as a part of the monthly What's On Your Nightstand event at 5 Minutes For Books. I'm very happy to say that I did indeed read the books I had on my nightstand last month (and a few more) and that I really enjoyed them. It seems shorter piles are the way to go to.

This month I have 4 more books on my nightstand. I'm finishing Donna Woolford Cross's Pope Joan at the moment and I hope to tackle these next.


  1. I'm really curious about The Road to Jerusalem and Captain Wentworth's Diary. Never heard about Fire at Midnight but the cover is beautiful.

  2. Ana, I'll be happy to lend you Fire at Midnight if you want.

    Heather, so far I am enjoying it very much!

  3. Ana, I'll be happy to lend you Fire at Midnight if you want.

    Heather, so far I am enjoying it very much!

  4. Pope Joan was wonderful, but I'm sure I already told you that. ;)

    I also enjoyed Captain Wentworth's Diary. :D


  5. Guernsey, Guernsey, Guernsey! It's everywhere this month. Going to the library TODAY and hoping to find a copy . . .

  6. Ana, I'll wait and see what you think of it! :-)

  7. I'll be waiting for your review on Captain Wentworth's Diary.

  8. You know I loved Guernsey, Ana! It was one of my best reads last year. Truly hope you'll like it as much as I did.
    I'm also very curious about Guilou (the 1st movie was good!) and Captain Wentworth.;-)

  9. Oh...Pope Joan...I have heard so many wonderful things about this book.
    It is on my TBR list. Must get to it sooner than later.

    Happy Reading.

  10. Oh, I keep seeing that Guernsey book on lists. I'm adding it to my TBR list! I had never heard of Captain Wentworth's Diary -- sounds intriguing!

  11. Got Guerensey ready on my stack to be read. I agree with Ana O that the cover of Fire At Midnight is so pretty.

  12. Leya, I'm glad to know they are good ones.

    Carrie, everyone tells me that it is an excellent read and that's why I put on the nightstand.

    Ana, Whitelady and Alex, I hope to read and review them asap.

    Ibeeeg, so far it's very good.

    Barbara and Nise, I think Guernsey has been one of the most talked about books in blogs these past few months. :-)

  13. Yes, I've had Guernsey on my list for SO long now, and every single month, I keep seeing it on nightstand after nightstand. Is it a sign that I just really need to pick it up??

  14. LOL Morninglight Mama, I guess it is. :-)


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