Saturday, October 31, 2009

Organising Myself

It seems I must needs to organise myself. I started taking some classes in Web Design 3 times a week which are totally ruining my reading time (I only read 5 books in October... ) and since Christmas is around the corner we're already hard at work on some of the gifts, another time killer. So if I want to keep up with everything I better do a list of things to do and stick with it.

So this afternoon I'll be:

  1. Putting all the books I have to read for the challenges till December in a separate pile

  2. Organising my Christmas TBR pile

  3. Doing house chores

  4. Reading all the feeds on my Google Reader, something I have been unable to do ever since I returned from vacation in September

  5. Writing my review of Sara Donati's Into The Wilderness

  6. Starting a book from the pile I mentioned in point 1

I can't believe that I haven't even started yet and I'm tired already...

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