Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Seu Blog Inspira

I just got a new meme thanks to WhiteLady3! So here's what you have to do with this one:

1) Pass it along to 3 blogs:
2) Link to whoever sent it to you
It was WhiteLady3 at Este Meu Cantinho. Thank you! :-)

3) Mention 5 random facts about you:
  1. I never wear a watch 
  2. I hate olives
  3. I love fried eggs
  4. I wore a shoe size 36 for most of my adult life but lately my feet only feel comfortable on a size 38
  5. I have worn glasses since I were 4 years old


  1. Since I got a mobile phone I stopped wearing a watch but I do like them and have some at home. They're just so pretty.

    I can't eat eggs, I'm allegic to them.

  2. Hello Ana. Sorry for not saying thank you before, I have been doing summer house cleaning, and for the last two weeks I've been MIA from the blog and the online life, I just returned and I appreciate the seal. I'll update my blog tomorrow, but I just wanted to say thank you!



I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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