Monday, March 18, 2013

Google Reader

Still not much reading done this week. I have the TBR Challenge deadline this week and I have started Scarpetta since the theme was to catch up on a series. It's been a while since I picked up a Patricia Cornwell story so this seemed like the perfect time. Unfortunately I am not finding it all that interesting and my mind keeps drifting away to other things. Will I finish it in time?
On a different subject I just checked my feeds on Google Reader (haven't done that in a few days so maybe I'm a bit late realising this...) and saw an announcement that it will disappear on July 1st. How am I going to follow all those blogs that I have listed there? I can't possibly blog hop through all of them everyday. I need a feed reader!!

Anyone has any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


  1. hey, i've started using feedly, i hate the online interface but i really liked it on the ipad (there's also the good old flipboard).
    also i'm on list for TheOldReader, which seems to have a lot of potencial.

    Dear Author also posted a list of alternatives, i don't really have much to add yet to it, so ask me in a month...

    1. Thanks for that link, I'll check it out. I'll also check Feedly and TheOldReader as I don't know any of them... or flipboard to be honest... I'm feeling an internet dummy :-)

  2. I was using Bloglines before Google Reader appeared and never moved on, so I'm still using it. It works for me :)

    1. I used to use Bloglines but they were sol if I remenber correctly and I never got used to the new interface... wondering if I should go back to it...

  3. Eu comecei a usar o feedly, parece-me o melhorzinho.

    1. Não conheço, vou investigar... obrigada pela dica .-)

  4. I might go back to Bloglines or try Feedly or Old Reader. I was as shocked as you to see that GR was being closed down! Very annoying.

    1. Thanks Marg, bloglines I'm already aware of but I'll have to check the other you mention. I was just so used to Google Reader :-(

  5. Thank you all for your suggestions. The bright side of this is that I will finally updated my much needed blog list and will only keep the ones I actually like to read...


I love to chat about books and stuff and I would love to hear from like minded readers. Please do leave me a comment :-)


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