Friday, August 17, 2007

New Additions to the TBR pile

I've been behaving very well lately and the only books that arrived at my doorstep were partly an old trade with Ro and partly a gift. Here's what I got:

Anne Stuart - Cry For the Moon
Anne Stuart - Rafe's Revenge
Amy J. Fetzer - Taming the Beast
Leslie Glass - The Silent Bride
Theresa Weir - Cool Shade

the Stuart's are some old categories, since I'm running through her back list I couldn't pass the opportunity to read these. All the other authors are new to me and I'm looking forward to try them.


  1. From this list I only know Anne Stuart and still have to try one of her books from my TBR. I'll wait for your review on the others!

  2. I'll do that! So many books, so little time!

  3. A Anne Stuart é fantastica! Mal posso esperar pelo proximo "Ice" e entretanto vou lendo o que tenho dela na minha TBR. Fiquei curiosa com a Leslie Glass e a Theresa Weir. Nunca ouvi falar delas mas parece-me boas historia.:)


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